Fashions change. New generations of consumers influence the market in ways that are simultaneously exciting and challenging. At BellaHome, every new trend in decor, and every new attitude about purchasing lifestyle products is an opportunity for our design and manufacturing teams to prove themselves. And they do.
Our association with Microfibres and their experienced sales team affords us an excellent assessment of the market environment and important customer feedback. Every season, our fabric collections are designed to cater to the preferences and buying habits of your customers. We fully appreciate that they have come to expect not only superior quality goods, but perceived value at affordable prices. That’s exactly what we deliver.
Kentex Mills, our primary supplier makes this possible. Drawing on over 15 years experience, they translate the expert vision of our design team into tangible, skillfully produced fabrics at their state-of-the-art facility. The result is a perennial collection of beautiful upholstery patterns that dovetail seamlessly into your product line, and your sales plan.